Jonas Beerts, receptie

Sigizmoens Krzjizjanovski, Autobiografie van een lijk en andere verhalen (2020) Uitgeverij Vleugels
This is a new Dutch translation of a collection of short stories, written between 1922 and 1939 by the Polish-Russian writer Sigizmoens Krzjizjanovski. These stories are filled with magic, such as room-expanding ointments and a man’s life goal to bite his own elbows. Very inspirational.
Risquons-Tout at Wiels, Brussels
An intense accumulation of impressions that feeds your brain and sensory system for a couple of lockdowns.
Playing the following Kate Bush songs in a row:
Babooshka (1980)
Wuthering Heights (1978)
Army Dreamers (1980)
Very enjoyable, I must admit ;)
(If you are up for it, play the song Wood (2017) by Rostam, which makes for a bizarre afterparty.)
Putting on Joe Henderson’s Black Narcissus (1969) Concord Music, and playing along.
David Cronenberg, Crash (1996)
This was my first cinema experience after the first lock down and it sure did hit.
*Bonus track:
Episode 2 from Fishing with John (1991) with Tom Waits.