Privacy policy

In this privacy statement we aim to provide clear and transparent information about how argos handles your personal information. Whenever you submit your personal information to us, either online or offline, we handle it in accordance with the policy below. This policy is based on the applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 25 May 2018.
argos is the data holder, i.e. the one responsible for processing all the data we collect about you and receive from you when you use our services.
If you have any questions after going through our privacy statement or wish to contact us, you can do so via these contact details:
argos vzw
Werfstraat 13 Rue du Chantier, 1000 Brussels
How does argos collect my data?
We collect your personal data through various channels:
- when you sign up for the newsletter
- when you contact argos by email, phone or other means
- when you visit our website
- via third parties, such as the newsletter software Mailchimp
What personal info does argos process?
- Your IP address. The identity of specific individuals or organisations cannot be drawn from this.
- Your first and last name, email address, postal address, telephone number and year of birth.
Photo and video material. During argos events, photo and video material is recorded by our digital team. These photos are stored in our archive and a selection of the photos and videos is published on our website and social media channels. If we wish to take a photo in which you appear recognisably, we will do our best to gain permission from you beforehand. If you appear in one of our photos and do not wish for the photo(s) to remain published, please contact us.
What does argos use the collected information for?
argos uses the collected and stored data:
- to send you newsletters, if you have signed up to receive them;
- to improve the quality of our services;
- for market research and customer profiling; and
- to aid in government subsidy applications.
Which choices can I make regarding how argos uses my information?
When you sign up for the newsletter, you give argos permission to collect, process or use your information for specific purposes. If you want to revoke this permission, please contact us. You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time by clicking the link provided. If you revoke this permission, it may be the case that you no longer receive practical information and other useful information.
With which thirds parties can argos share my information?
argos can provide certain personal information to third parties if this is required to fulfil the above purposes.
For example, we use third parties for:
- web hosting
- sending newsletters, personalised emails and invitations (Mailchimp)
argos has concluded an agreement with these data handlers that is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 25 May 2018. We never forward your personal information to any parties with whom we have not entered into a data handling agreement. Furthermore, we do not forward the information provided by you to third parties unless it is legally obligated of us and permitted.
How and why does argos use cookies?
A “cookie” is a small file that is stored on your computer in order to improve your browsing experience. The information stored on these cookies can only be read by us and only for the duration of your visit to the website argos cookies never store personal information such as your name, address, age or other personal details.
We use Google Analytics in order to be able to analyse how visitors use our website. This enables us to improve the userfriendliness of our website. For information regarding cookies created by Google Analytics, we refer you to the privacy statement made by Google Analytics on their website.
For how long is my information stored?
argos stores personal information no longer than is necessary in order to fulfil the purpose for which it was provided.
What security measures are undertaken by argos?
- We have undertaken suitable technical and organisatory measures in order to protect personal information against misuse:
- All persons who may access your data on behalf of argos are bound to maintain its confidentiality.
- We use a username and password on all our systems.
- Our team members are informed of the importance of protecting personal information.
Can I view, change or request the deletion of my information? Where can I direct questions and/or complaints?
Do you have questions and/or complaints regarding our privacy policy or your privacy? Would you like to receive a copy of the information of yours in our possession? Do you wish to view, change or request the deletion of the information you have provided to us? Would you like to revoke a permission? For any of the above requests, please contact us using the following details:
argos vzw
Werfstraat 13 Rue du Chantier
1000 Brussels
You are always entitled to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority, a supervisory authority specialising in privacy protection.
Belgian Data Protection Authority:
Gegevensbeschermingsauthoriteit / Autorité de protection des données
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels
Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00
Can this privacy statement be changed?
argos may update this privacy statement in response to changes in services, the feedback of clients or following changes to privacy laws and regulations. argos announces any such changes on its website or in its newsletters.