Casseurs d'Images 1993-2004 (part 1)

Original format
Color system
- ’Frigolith’ (extract): Tiny Styrofoam balls, blasted by an invisible force. They seem caught in the screen. The fixed frame prevents us from seeing what they’re in, where they’re coming from. The tight framing closes the image in order to open it.
- ’Passage nuageux’: A shadow is cast over a desert-mountain. It moves slowly over the mountain until it is completely covered in darkness.
- ’Cascadeurs’ (extract): Now and then a person lets the water from a waterfall carry him down. The irregular gaps between the split-second appearances of the people sliding down underscore the continual flow of the water.
- ’Cris’ (extract): Three young girls are screaming at a very high pitch.
- ’Trou’: A close-up on two hands as they dig a hole in the ground.
- ’Scarabée’ (extract): A black scarab is pushing along his ball of manure.
- ’Coudes’: A pairs of elbows, of which the owner is wearing a purple sweater, is robbing against a rough surface over and over again. Holes are appearing in the fabric.
- ’Veaux’: Two cows are licking each other’s mouths, mimicking a couple of lovers.
- ’Casseurs’: Three men are hitting rocks with metal hammers.
- ’Pissenlit’: A dandelion does not want to be blown away, in spite of the efforts of the breathless cameraman...
- ’Tourner’ (1) (extract): A longhaired woman, whirling round, filmed from above. Her waving hair causes a pattern, taking on a new shape with every turn. This image, both photographic and sculptural, provides a kind of commentary on François’ work.
- ’Arpenteur’: A caterpillar is crawling over a geographical map, exploring the borders of the surface.