, ARGOS vzw
, ARGOS vzw
Bits and Sparks. The videos of Michel François

Copyright artist(s) and courtesy argos
Bits and Sparks # 1
Mon, 18 Oct 2004
21:30 - 22:30
In the presence of Michel François
video | 01:00:00 | col.
These video sequences were realized in collaboration with the inmates/patients at the closed psychiatric institution De Kijvelanden in the Rotterdam suburbs, where Michel François set up a speaker’s corner in 1996-97.
Bits and Sparks # 2
Tue, 19 Oct 2004
19:15 - 19:46
video | 00:31:00 | col.
non spoken
The video film CASA consists of a number of short observations, constructed scenes and montages without a clear beginning or end. In an associative way François analyses everyday objects and events.
Bits and Sparks # 3
Wed, 20 Oct 2004
17:30 - 17:54
Déjà vu (Hallu)
Two hands are folding perfectly symmetrical origami shapes in tin foil. This level of perfection is obtained with a split-screen mirror effect. A combination of human dynamics, algorithmic thinking and straightforward computer technology.
Autoportrait contre nature
video | 00:11:52
A man, filmed from the top, is quietly smoking a cigarette. Around him it’s raining green bottles, smashing to the floor with a deafening noise, without touching him. Or how does Man relate to his surroundings?
Bits and Sparks # 4
Thu, 21 Oct 2004
14:15 - 14:45
Sat, 23 Oct 2004
20:30 - 21:30
Casseurs d’Images - part 1
video | 00:30:00
This program consists mainly of video films realized in 1993 and recently revised by the artist. For the compilation and realization of this program François to some extent was inspired by observations of essayist art critic Michel Assenmaker on one of his works, Casseur de cailloux: ‘Casseur d’image, casseur de texte? Du moins tenter de l’être. (...)’
Bits and Sparks # 5
Fri, 22 Oct 2004
14:15 - 14:45
Casseur d’Images - part 2
video | 00:30:00
This program consists mainly of video films realized in 1993 and recently revised by the artist. For the compilation and realization of this program François to some extent was inspired by observations of essayist art critic Michel Assenmaker on one of his works, Casseur de cailloux: ‘Casseur d’image, casseur de texte? Du moins tenter de l’être. (...)’
Mon, 18 Oct 2004
21:30 - 22:30
In the presence of Michel François
video | 01:00:00 | col.
These video sequences were realized in collaboration with the inmates/patients at the closed psychiatric institution De Kijvelanden in the Rotterdam suburbs, where Michel François set up a speaker’s corner in 1996-97.
Bits and Sparks # 2
Tue, 19 Oct 2004
19:15 - 19:46
video | 00:31:00 | col.
non spoken
The video film CASA consists of a number of short observations, constructed scenes and montages without a clear beginning or end. In an associative way François analyses everyday objects and events.
Bits and Sparks # 3
Wed, 20 Oct 2004
17:30 - 17:54
Déjà vu (Hallu)
Two hands are folding perfectly symmetrical origami shapes in tin foil. This level of perfection is obtained with a split-screen mirror effect. A combination of human dynamics, algorithmic thinking and straightforward computer technology.
Autoportrait contre nature
video | 00:11:52
A man, filmed from the top, is quietly smoking a cigarette. Around him it’s raining green bottles, smashing to the floor with a deafening noise, without touching him. Or how does Man relate to his surroundings?
Bits and Sparks # 4
Thu, 21 Oct 2004
14:15 - 14:45
Sat, 23 Oct 2004
20:30 - 21:30
Casseurs d’Images - part 1
video | 00:30:00
This program consists mainly of video films realized in 1993 and recently revised by the artist. For the compilation and realization of this program François to some extent was inspired by observations of essayist art critic Michel Assenmaker on one of his works, Casseur de cailloux: ‘Casseur d’image, casseur de texte? Du moins tenter de l’être. (...)’
Bits and Sparks # 5
Fri, 22 Oct 2004
14:15 - 14:45
Casseur d’Images - part 2
video | 00:30:00
This program consists mainly of video films realized in 1993 and recently revised by the artist. For the compilation and realization of this program François to some extent was inspired by observations of essayist art critic Michel Assenmaker on one of his works, Casseur de cailloux: ‘Casseur d’image, casseur de texte? Du moins tenter de l’être. (...)’
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