Concrete & Samples III: Carrara

Copyright artist(s) and courtesy argos
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Concrete & Samples I, II, III is a series of 16mm films on sculptural architecture. What the buildings and site in all films have in common is the idea of ‘architecture as sculpture’ and a very distinct use of concrete that seem to depart from the free form of the whole in a sculptural manner. In the absence of a traditional narrative, it is the space itself, that takes the role of the protagonist, while the camera proposes a narration through its travel and observation.
The film Concrete & Samples III Carrara, shows the marble quarry; within its 'sculpted' landscape, its temporary architecture and art-historical references form a more radical complement, to the two churches.
An artist book "Carrara" presents a text by Angelika Stepken and photographs taken in the Carrara region between 2008 and 2010 during shooting of Concrete & Samples III Carrara. The book is published by Roma publications and designed by Roger Willems & Aglaia Konrad. It won the Fernand Baudin Prize 2011.