In the company of a mule and a Super8 camera, a filmmaker walks through the world enchanted by the beauty of all things. Inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi's "Praise of the Creatures", an enlightened and candid contemplation driven by the changing light of seasons.

This film is an invitation to a voyage, a voyage around the world with the most simple and humble of all animals, the donkey. Donkeys invent time, a form of non-action propitious for contemplation. This film is an invitation to cast a glance at all things in a simple, humble and delicate way. A glance that is so fragile that it becomes a joy, a delightment. It is the glance the “idiot” would cast, that of the Franciscan monks filmed by Rossellini in Francesco giullare di Dio, that of Prince Myshkin or Alyosha Karamazov in Dostoevsky's novels. These references are only implicit in the film, explaining them would have betrayed the simplicity of a film which is simple only in appearance. No action, no suspense or accident, just the slow evolution of seasons, but yet the complex and finite conception of a world : the world as a child would draw it, round. (Olivier Dekegel)