Chris Goyvaerts
This interview is archived and preserved at argos. Please contact for access, an appointment or further information.
Dagmar Dirkx, Niels Van Tomme
Dagmar Dirkx, Sofie Ruysseveldt, Erien Withouck
Image research
Emma Vranken, Daniel De Decker
Text editing
Anthony Blampied, Dagmar Dirkx, Inge Coolsaet, Laurence Alary, Niels Van Tomme, Björn Gabriëls
Gorik de Henau (NL), Anne Lessebi (FR), Björn Gabriëls (EN)
Website Coordination
Emilie Legrand
Concept and graphic design
Studio Le Roy Cleeremans
Niels Van Tomme / argos vzw
M HKA / ICC, New Reform Gallery / Roger D’Hondt, KMSKB, BOZAR, Art & Actualité, Jacques Charlier, Joëlle de La Casinière, Eric de Moffarts, Geneviève van Cauwenberge, argos, SONUMA
Johan Pas, Beeldenstorm in een spiegelzaal. Het ICC en de actuele kunst 1970—1990, Lannoo Campus, 2005, 300 p. Jean-Michel Botquin (dir.), Le jardin du paradoxe. Regards sur le cirque divers à Liège, Yellow Now / Côté Arts, 2018, 448 p.
Onno Petersen, D/arch, CINEMATEK, VECTRACOM
argos thanks
Andrea Cinel, Anne-Marie Rona, ArtTouché, Chris Pype, Dominique Castronovo, Eric de Moffarts, Evi Bert, Guy Jungblut, Jean-Michel Botquin, Joanne Jaspart, Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans, Lastpost / Fabri3Q, Leen Bosch, Liesbeth Duvekot, Maryse Tastenhoye, Nadja Vilenne, Sandy Reynaerts, Veronique Cardon and all the artists, curators and researchers involved in the research project
This is argos
Amit Leblang, Anaïs Bonroy, Anne Leclercq, Dagmar Dirkx, Daria Szewczuk, Dušica Dražić, Eden Lamaizi, Femke De Valck, Francisco Correia, Guy Verbist, Hadrien Gerenton, Iakovos Sierifis, Indigo Deijmann, Inge Coolsaet, Isaac Moss, Jana Van Brussel, Jonas Beerts, Julie Van Houtte, Julia Wielgus, Katia Rossini, Katoucha Ngombe, Kevin Gallagher, Kianoosh Motallebi, Laurence Alary, Mar Badal, Maryam K Hedayat, Mélanie Musisi, Natalya Ivannikova, Niels Van Tomme, Rafael Pamplona, Riet Coosemans, Sander Moyson, Stijn Schiffeleers, Viktor Simonis, Yoko Theeuws
This is rile
Chloe Chignell, Sven Dehens
argos thanks the board
Johan Blomme, Katerina Gregos, Olivier Auvray, Suzanne Capiau, Tom Bonte
Cinema Nova, M HKA, CINEMATEK, VUB, KMSKB, Meemoo
WIth the support of Flanders State of the Art, Eidotech, VGC Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, Government of the Brussels Capital Region, Embassy of the Netherlands, Embassy of Slovenia, Instituto Italiano di Cultura