OPEN CALL: The Faraway Nearby

In the faraway nearby
Can your hear me call
Out in the faraway nearby
I'm breaking down the walls
Till you're here to stay
Out from the faraway
— Cindy Lauper
How do you build bridges with your neighbours, even if they they live a room, a street, a country, or a dimension away?
The Faraway Nearby open call invites new filmmakers, artists and other users of cameras and smartphones to submit work that contemplates the notions of space, belonging and connection.
Did you create a short film during the pandemic, do you now look differently at a film you had previously made, or are you working on something new and want to share a sneak peek with Brussels and the rest of the world?
Send in your work to before 1 June with “The Faraway Nearby” as the subject line and a short text of max 150 words about the content of your film and how it fits in with the theme.
You are free to choose the form of your work, as long as you submit a single-channel digital (.mov) version that lasts no longer than 15 minutes.
We will select 10 works, pay €100 per selected work and provide technical support for a screening at ARGOS on 25 June, where we will gather as many people as allowed to watch your film.
From near and/or far, we are open.