Museum Night Fever 2022

A feast for eyes and ears! Explore the audiovisuals experiments of the film and video pioneers in Belgium in the exhibition THE 1970s: _ and enjoy the intoxicating sound performances of Ode de Kort, Farida Amadou, Gelukwens and MeyanDR.
While the exhibition highlights a remarkably prolific era of artistic production in Belgium that saw the acceleration of audiovisual experimentation, visitors are invited, along with the guest performers, to revisit the feverish and utopian potential of video art during the 1970s.
20:00 - 20:30 Ode de Kort
21:00 - 21:40 Farida Amadou
22:00 - 22:45 Gelukwens
23:00 - 00:00 MeyanDR
Your wristband gives you access to all 34 participating Brussels museums during Museum Night Fever. Make sure to keep it afterwards, as it gives you a free visit to one of the museums until November 26th. Tickets & info on