
Once upon a time there was a Purple Cat
Sunday 14 February, Video on view online on our website and Facebook page
Age: 7 to 10 years.
From a colour to a crazy story! Together we watch the videos of Tony Cokes. What do you feel? What do you hear? Which memories are provoked by certain colours and images? Which objects come to mind? Select your favorite colour and write a story based on it. Then you get together in pairs! Cut and paste your words from one story to another, combine sentences, swap objects, and turn two stories into one peculiar, exciting, crazy, or touching colour story!
Languages: English, Dutch, and French.
Sunday 21 February at 10h00: Live online event on our Facebook page
Age: 8 to 12 years
Together you create a mixtape; a collage of words, images and colours. Wherever you are, look around. What do you see? Time for some creativity of your own! We start from the things around you: magazines, objects on the street, in nature... Through mixing and matching you transform everything together into a unique mix. Tell your own story!
Languages: Dutch and French.