Slow (36h)

'SLOW (36h)' is a cross-media, interdisciplinary arts marathon-weekend at the Concertgebouw Brugge that honours the concept of slowness. The extensive program includes dozens of concerts and musical performances (Arne Deforce & Thomas Ankersmit, Bozzini Quartet, Alain Franco, Phill Niblock, Esther Venrooy), performances (Hans Beckers, Maud Bekaert, Peter Jacquemyn and Jan Pillaert, Marc Vanrunxt & Katleen Vinck), talks and lectures (Kristien Bonneure, Alvin Curran, Marie-José Vanhee).
Key words in the exhibition that Argos compiled for this occasion are concentration, stillness, repetition and modesty. With contributions by Edith Dekyndt, Pieter Geenen, Hans Op de Beeck, Nicolas Provost and Joëlle Tuerlinckx, which are continuously displayed in and around the Concertgebouw.
Saturday 08.11.2014 & Sunday 09.11.2014
Screening Eric Pauwels – 'Les films rêvés'(2009, 180 min.): Saturday 08.11.2014 - 15.00-18.00
't Zand
Saturday 08.11.2014 & Sunday 09.11.2014
't Zand