argos TV fall programme: bridging the distance

argos tv brings new and old works from the soɓɹɐ collection to your personal screen. Each first Thursday of the month, a new film runs on our website during the whole month, entirely free. The film is also shown on the window display at Koopliedenstraat 62 Rue des Commerçants (next to the rile* entrance). Looking for more art videos? Feel free to browse our entire catalogue in our library.
One year has passed since 7 October, 76 years since 1948. Decades of violence have launched an escalation of hostilities with worldwide repercussions and interconnected disruptions. Programmed as a thematic set on argos TV this fall, three films Talaeen a junuub / Up to the South, X-mission and Documentary Credit track the violence in the Middle East through the timeline of history.
The first film of this programme, Talaeen a junuub / Up to the South by Jayce Salloum & Walid Raad opens with self-critical note that ultimately reaches its (Western) audience: “Why do you simplify these issues?”, suggesting a distance between words and ideas, between reality and (media) representation, between the registering camera and the perceived landscape when it comes to the Palestinian struggle for liberation.
These three films, each consciously bridging a variety of distances in their own way, cover yet another distance today: time. Made over 15 years ago, their reflective attitude and intricate web of emotions awaken new meanings and complexify our dialogues against the backdrop of the current and violent geopolitical events in the Middle East.
3 October to 7 November
Talaeen a junuub / Up to the south
Jayce Salloum & Walid Raad, 1993
7 November to 5 December
Ursula Biemann, 2008
5 December to 2 January
Documentary Credit
Eva Meyer & Eran Schaerf, 1999