at Decoratelier

Decoratelier has invited curator Maryam K. Hedayat to organise a programme for the September edition of its Something when it doesn’t rain festival. For this occasion, argos has put together a day revolving around femaleness in male dominated spaces.
In the afternoon we are organising Forum, an open space where female artists can showcase their work.
The evening programme consists of screenings of Oumoun (2017) by Fairuz Ghammam and Babel (2019) by Meggy Rustamova, two films from the argos collection.
Next up is a follow-up discussion between Fairuz Ghammam and Maryam K. Hedayat, members of the female directors’ collective and action group Wanda. They will engage in a public dialogue with other Wanda members discussing institutional inequality in the film industry.
- 14:00 Forum
- 20:00 Screening Fairuz Ghammam’s Oumoun and Meggy Rustamova’s Babel.
- 20:30 Follow-up discussion between Fairuz Ghammam and Maryam K. Hedayat, with Wanda members
Info and registration required at SOMETHINGATDECORATELIER@GMAIL.COM
Manchesterstraat 17 Rue Manchester
1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek