Florian Gwinner - Das Modell

Reality bites its own tail. Florian Gwinner (1977) constructs a model of a world from the viewpoint that reality and its model are one. Starting at a white horizon, a camera tracks slowly backwards in a straight line. On his way, he glides past the first signs of human existence. Gradually, these make way for a church, houses, cars – the widening streets and the high-rises of a city. While the model of urban architecture itself is already impressive, the real fascination of Gwinner’s video lies in his paradoxical use of material. On the outskirts of city life, he works in painstaking detail. Once the city looms higher and the buildings get bigger, he starts adding elements in an almost slapdash style. Plastic straws, egg cartons, boxes. Life in the city is made up of disposable material. And then, logical to the eye but amazing to the mind, the trip through urban nowhere land ends up right at your feet, underneath a chair in your room.
2006, 6’15”, video, colour, sound.
Entrance fee:
included in the general argos exhibition entrance fee