In their work Jan Dietvorst & Roy Villevoye explore issues around anthropological representation, the conventions of documentary filmmaking and the legacy of colonialism. Even though their videos are frequently considered documentaries, they distance themselves explicitly from the genre, by freeing themselves from a number of conventions that characterise the documentary.
AFTER THE BATTLE is the result of a re-edit of three films about the culture of remembrance of World War 1 (Winter Prayers 2006, The Scrap-Iron Age, 2008, War is Over 2011). The search for remnants on the former battlefields of France and Belgium has its origin in a combination of materialist, ideological and supernatural motives. Historiography appears inseparable from the personal life of those involved. Given the large amount of ordnance in the soil such an occupation is not without danger. Also still on the battlefield are thousands of missing soldiers.
What place do they get in the story the diggers make up for themselves and for us? (AC)
Jan Dietvorst & Roy Villevoye - AFTER THE BATTLE
2012, 75’, colour, Dutch and French spoken, English subtitles.
Werfstraat 13 rue du Chantier
1000 Brussels
+32 2 229 00 03
Opening hours:
Wednesday to Sunday, 11:00 to 18:00
Entrance Fee:
5 / 3 euros