Video Box #1: mouvements

From end September to end december 2012(closing date for restoration at MAMAC), Visual Arts department in Liège and Centre culturel de Liège – Les Chiroux in collaboration with several Belgian and international distribution and conservations organisations propose 4 programs dedicated to video art. Thematical programs will be screened in the Museum, with its VIDEOBOX open to all visitors at MAMAC.
More info:
In this period, Argos presents ’Mouvement’, a program with works from its collection.
Jacques Lizène, ’Tentative à contraindre le corps à s’inscrire dans l’image’, 4’45’’, 1971
Ria Pacquée, ’Cantaert Hunter 890602’, 3’01", 2003
Michel François, ’Tournoiement’, 7’, 2002
Eric Pauwels, ’Violin Phase’, 11’44", 1986
Thomas Bernardet, ’Les Doubres’, 2’53’’, 2000
Antonin De Bemels, ’Disolocation’, 10’20’’, 2000
Pascal Baes, ’46 bis’, 3’15", 1988
Nicolas Provost, ’I hate this town’, 2’, 2002
Bernard Gigounon, ’Cascade’, 1’30’’, 2001
Hans op de Beeck, ’Blender’, 2’18", 1999-2003
Nicolas Provost, ’Suspension’, 4’27", 2007
Charley Case, ’Atomic Tree’, 3’50’’, 2006
Hans op de Beeck, ’Gardening’, 9’50’’, 2001
Location: MAMAC, Parc de la Boverie 3, 4000 Liège